2008年6月13日 星期五

June 2008 ~New York

New York...可能同Bombay(印度孟買)一樣,大概一年一次夠了, 因為flying time 實在太長啦....超辛苦呢!! 成16個鐘困O係架飛機入面,都真係幾係o野呢!!

可幸的是,今次去到New York,可以同Soman一齊出街,一齊去睇Broadway Show...仲有佢的朋友車我地周圍去...so good!!!

I Love NY, mickey version!!


迷霧中的 Brooklyn Bridge! 估唔到部機可以zoom到咁遠!! 勁!!!

瓦片 in the Museum of Closters.. 

I love this picture...

Carpet in the Catheral Church of St. John the Divine ....

Single seat NYPD car.....so cute!!

The Phantom of the Opera....very good show!!

Times Sq. Day.....

....& Night.....

more photos,pls see: Flowers >>>http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=43289&l=260b3&id=749077847

Museum tour>>>http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=43292&l=9ae5c&id=749077847

Friends & shopping tour >>> http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=43294&l=55721&id=749077847


